The China challenge will be Joe Biden’s greatest legacy

Joe Biden will soon return to the White House, this time as President of the United States. Once inaugurated, the most important challenge he will face, the one that could leave the deepest legacy, for better or for worse, won’t be related to domestic politics, but foreign policy: China. The China challenge that the US [...]

By | 23 December 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Under Trump, the US Strategy for Countering China Is Mimicking China

More than 70 years ago, when the United States was facing the threat of Soviet Communism, George Kennan advised the U.S. to be the best it can be, in order to attract other countries into the democratic sphere and make democracy the most coveted political system. Today, the United States under Donald Trump seems [...]

How Cernavodă Made Romania a Key Geopolitical Battleground in Europe

In 2013, after the then-16+1 summit in Bucharest, Romania was bombarded with gushing headlines about a dozen Chinese investments and projects that would soon supercharge the Romanian economy, with the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant as the flagship project. Eight years later and nine governments apart, none of these projects were implemented, while disillusion with [...]

The U.S. Needs An Endgame Before It Plunges Into the Next Cold War

The U.S. government has decided it is time to confront the People’s Republic of China, leading to what some have called “a new cold war” or the more benign and official “great-power competition.” But as many have pointed out, the United States currently lacks a coherent strategy about how to confront China. Busy giving [...]

By | 27 September 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |0 Comments

How China and the United States wrecked the 21st century

“For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been.” – John Greenleaf Whittier *** On the first day of January 2039, in Washington, the presidents of China and the United States stood on the South Lawn, for a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment [...]

By | 18 January 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments